Saturday, October 17, 2009

Slow Saturday

I had my printing class today and boy-oh-boy was it a long one. It wasn't the class that was monotonous, no. It wasn't the art I was making, either. It was me. For some reason I woke up this morning and traveled at snail speed. It was cold outside, snowed a little bit (which sucks) and after crawling belly down to the train stop, leaving a trail of slime behind me I eventually found myself sitting in class, staring out the the window at this:

Pretty far from the snowy, shitty, "doodie-cacka" I woke up to this morning, yes?. That's good, right? No. Why? Well, I was wearing three layers, a gigantic jacket and a wool hat.

I was doing work but just kept sl o  w  i   n   g        d         o        w         n. 
I couldn't tell if I was crazy but everyone else seemed to be walking around and working like zombies, too. The print media department is all cementy and cold and eventually clouds rolled in which made things even gloomier. It was honestly, one of the biggest bummers of a day I have had so far. I started to check Facebook, Gizmodo and Kotaku over and over and over again. I couldn't even waste time if I tried. 

Even though I was such a blob I still managed to get a few good prints done. Here is my assembly line of Doctor McCoys...

...and here is a print I really like. I was going to make a book last year but never did and this was supposed to be the cover. I couldn't find the Photoshop file but it took no time at all to re-do.

I did a couple more of a few different planets and they all turned out pretty sweet.

Now, I sit on the Futon, legs rotting away as I fight the urge to doze off. I welcome Sunday and hope it's as slow as today. I'm sure, however, it won't be.

1 comment:

christopher Nelson said...

i loaded gawker and gizmodo about 500 thousand times yesterday i got nothing done just keep blaming the weather